import { set_last_id, set_todo, empty_todos, change_page, } from "./features/todo/reducer"; import { set_fil_sort_function, get_todos_page_function, get_nu_pages_function, get_last_id_function, } from "./api/axios_methods"; export function refresh_todos(my_filters, my_sorters, my_curr_page, dispatch) { // Call the API to refresh sorters and filters. const set_fil_sor_api = set_fil_sort_function(); set_fil_sor_api({ filter: { name:, priority: my_filters.priority, state: my_filters.state, }, sort: { field: my_sorters.split("/")[0], order: my_sorters.split("/")[1], }, }); // Get the total number of pages. Change the current page if necessary. const get_nu_pages_api = get_nu_pages_function(); const total_pages_api = get_nu_pages_api(); if (total_pages_api < my_curr_page) { dispatch( change_page({ page: total_pages_api, }) ); } // Delete all current to dos we have stored and retrieve new to dos from API. const get_todos_api = get_todos_page_function(); function handle_new_todos_page(todos_list) { dispatch(empty_todos()); => { // API stores dates in ISO format and in GMT. We have to add the // timezone offset. const due_date = new Date(todo.dueDate); const offset = due_date.getTimezoneOffset(); dispatch( set_todo({ id:, text: todo.text, due_date: todo.dueDate != null ? new Date(due_date - offset * 60 * 1000) .toISOString() .slice(0, -1) : "", done: todo.done, priority: todo.priority, creation_date: todo.creationDate, }) ); }); } get_todos_api(handle_new_todos_page, { page: my_curr_page }); // Finally, retrieve the last index used for a to do. const last_id_api = get_last_id_function(); last_id_api((response) => { dispatch( set_last_id({ id: response, }) ); }); }